C-Roads Belgium (Wallonia)

The main objectives of the C-Roads Wallonia pilot is to operate and assess the deployment of a cloud based solution for co-operative ITS services, to connect road users with Traffic management centres (TMC) and allowing TMC to directly interact with the end users. The pilot will bring the opportunity to expand or upgrade Traffic Information Services and Traffic Management Services offered today, building on a digital ‘virtual infrastructure’, feed and support a discussion on the future role of the public road operator.
The SOFICO is financing an extensive ITS strategy from 2017 onward to renovate and increase C-ITS systems along its highway and road network. A new traffic management centre has been recently equipped with a new traffic management system. Wallonia wishes to modernize its traffic management based on the newest technologies through different interfaces for data collection, data management and for road user information.
As member state of the C-Roads platform, Wallonia is participating in the testing and implementing of harmonised and interoperable C-ITS services. Through a Partnership in between SOFICO, Tractebel and ITS Belgium, two pilot projects for C-ITS use cases deployment will be implemented on part of the Wallonia highway network.
- For the first one, the focus has been placed on the ITS - G5 technology : 5 RSU’s have been installed on the A602 junction as well as a C-ITS messages server. The A602 junction hosts important traffic volumes and features major security issues since it consists in an urban environment highway featuring a succession of tunnels and bridges through the city of Liège.
- For the part based on cellular communication (4G) technology, after having considered the development of a specific own application, it has been decided to work with Coyote, a service provider already active on the Belgian market.The pilot will be deployed along approximately 427 km of Walloon motorways via the Coyote community.
Location Description
The following roads are covered:
- A3 (E40) : Highway Brussels Aachen part in Wallonia to German border
- A4 (E411) : Highway Brussels Luxemburg, part in Wallonia to Luxemburgish border
- A26 (E25) : Liège to A4 / A26 interchange • A602 (E25/E40) : Liège A3 / A26 interchange
- A15 (E42) : Namur to Liège
Implementing Bodies
- SOFICO - technically assited by Public Service of Wallonia / Directorate of Road Traffic Management - already has implemented many traffic information and traffic management services on its network.
- Tractebel Engineering SA
- ITS Belgium
- Q2/2018: Walloon Pilot Site disseminations plan - Report available and approved by Walloon site project management team (PMT)
- Q4/2019: Demonstration of the Walloon Pilot Site - Roadshow available for public
- Q2/2018: Detailed technical specifications of the Walloon Pilot Site - Report available and approved by Walloon site project management team (PMT)
- Q2/2018: Detailed evaluation plan of the Walloon Pilot Site - Report available and approved by Walloon site project management team (PMT)
- Q1/2019: Start of the Walloon Pilot - Verified by Walloon site project management team (PMT)
- Q3/2020: Evaluation report - Report available and approved by the Walloon site project management team (PMT) and board