
Videos & Information


What is C-ITS ? - Explanations

Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) enhance communication and collaboration...




The third international C-ITS webinar organised by C-Roads, titled "Hybrid C-ITS", took place on March 11, 2025,... [more]

WEBINAR: Urban C-ITS Deployments


The 2nd webinar was a success! [more]

WEBINAR: From Vision to Reality - Operational C-ITS...


A successful start of the C-ITS webinar series! [more]

C-Roads Specification Release 2.1


C-Roads Specification Release 2.1 including Protection Profile compliant with the EU COmmon Criteria Certification... [more]

C-Roads C-ITS Roadmap


C-Roads publishes the C-ITS Services Roadmap for road networks in Europe [more]

SRTI Cooperation Agreement


At the Connecting Europe Days 2024 in Brussels, six prominent organizations at the forefront of technological innovation... [more]

C-Roads Greece Factsheet


Updated C-Roads Greece Factsheet is available. [more]

Videos & Information


What is C-ITS ? - Explanations

Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) enhance communication and collaboration...


C-Roads welcomes the adoption of the revision of the...


C-Roads welcomes the adoption of the revision of the ITS
Directive [more]

Press Release: Final Results of C-Roads Greece


A press release about the final results of the C-Roads Greece project has been published! [more]

Collaboration agreement between NAPCORE and C-Roads


The C-Roads Platform has signed a collaboration agreement with NAPCORE, the National Access Point Coordination... [more]

Harmonised data exchange and cross test sessions in...


The cooperation of C-Roads and the Car 2 Car Communication Consortium is bearing fruit: a common methodology to share data...


C-Roads Austria cross test


Another fruitful C-ITS cross test was conducted in Austria on the 19th and 20th October 2022. [more]

The latest release of C-ITS specifications as basis for...


The latest release of C-ITS specifications as basis for the upcoming cross-border tests.

The release (2.0.4) of the... [more]

Physical C-ITS Cross-border Tests in Europe


Austrian and Italian, Portuguese and Spanish C-Roads partners share fundamental principles of the C-Roads project such... [more]

C-Roads and POLIS sign a collaboration note


Being aware of the advantages of implementing Cooperative Mobility Services for improving traffic safety, mobility... [more]

Japanese Delegation visiting C-Roads deployments across...


European C-ITS deployments are highly visible around the globe! This became once again aware, when in spring 2022 a... [more]

Release 2.0 of C-Roads harmonised C-ITS specifications


By July 2021, the latest release (v2.0) of the harmonised communication profile for C-ITS - Cooperative Intelligent... [more]

C-Roads brochure available for download


The C-Roads Platform members present their progress on bringing C-ITS on the road in a brochure. ... [more]

Release 1.8 of C-Roads harmonised C-ITS specifications


As of March 2021, the latest release (v1.8) of the harmonised communication profile for Cooperative Intelligent Transport...


C-Roads Greece: 1st Stakeholder Workshop with great...


The 1st Stakeholders Workshop of C-Roads Greece was held virtually on the 14th December 2020 within the frame of the 6th...


C-Roads project InDiD publishes first newsletter


As part of the C-Roads Platform, the French pilot project InDiD aims to evaluate how connected infrastructures will bring...


Press release: ASFINAG connects roads with vehicles on...


From November 2020, Austrian motorways will be fitted with communication equipment to enable direct exchange of... [more]

C-ITS roadside units in the TENtec interactive map


The location of C-ITS stations all over Europe is now available in the interactive map viewer of the European Commission... [more]

Cross-Testing in Austria from 19 to 21 October!


The C-Roads X-Test and Validation event will take place between 19 and 21 October in Austria also under current... [more]

Release 1.7 of C-Roads harmonised C-ITS specifications


The latest release (v1.7) of the harmonised communication profile for Cooperative Intelligent Transport (C-ITS) services... [more]

Release 1.6 of C-Roads harmonised C-ITS specifications


Release v1.6 of the harmonised communication profile for Cooperative Intelligent Transport (C-ITS) services is... [more]

Ostrava (CZ): Testing of C-ITS in public transport...


Ostrava has recently hosted a set of C-ITS tests on 11th November 2019. These tests were primarily focused on the... [more]

Workshop on C-ITS Deployment and Evaluation


The joint workshop of EU EIP and C-Roads attracted more than 100 participants from C-ITS pilots and evaluation... [more]

C-ITS deployment takes off, increasing road safety and...


The effectiveness of C-ITS is optimised by combining the ITS-G5 and standard cellular networks as part of a hybrid... [more]

Release 1.5 of C-Roads harmonised C-ITS specifications


The latest release (v1.5) of the harmonised communication profile for Cooperative Intelligent Transport (C-ITS) services... [more]

European harmonisation of C-ITS taken to the next level


DATEX II and C-Roads are joining forces against the background of emerging C-ITS. [more]

C-ITS pioneering demonstration in Austria


ASFINAG and Volkswagen confirm cross-border interoperability between road infrastructure and vehicles before the... [more]

C-Roads Czech Republic implements security solution for...


Early-warning messages for drivers shall be reliable and secure. C-Roads Czech Republic launched a security solution for... [more]

Release 1.4 of C-Roads harmonised C-ITS specifications


The current release 1.4 defines the common base for the ITS-G5 functional and technical specifications. ... [more]

Smart Public Transport – Installation of C-ITS...


The Czech cities of Ostrava and Pilsen are among the first „smart“ European cities where C-ITS are implemented within... [more]

Release 1.3 of C-Roads harmonised C-ITS specifications


In October 2018, the latest release (v1.3) of the harmonised communication profile for Cooperative Intelligent Transport...


New document available: Report on Legal and...


This report consolidates the findings and recommendations from ongoing C-ITS pilots with regard to organisational issues in...


ASECAP issues position on the C-ITS delegated act


In a recent position paper, ASECAP issues a request towards the European Commission to adopt a C-ITS delegated act that... [more]

C-Roads showing face in Copenhagen


The prominent display of the C-Roads Platform at the ITS World Congress in Copenhagen has contributed to the ongoing... [more]

Successful testing of connected vehicles on Austrian...


C-Roads is taking the next step towards large-scale and harmonised C-ITS deployment [more]

Release 1.2 of C-Roads harmonised C-ITS specifications


On Monday 9th of July, the latest release of the harmonised communication profile for Cooperative Intelligent Transport... [more]

New document "Evaluation and Assessment Plan" now...


The Evaluation and Assessment Plan describes the currently available documentation and assessment dimensions in C-Roads... [more]

Keeping it busy: C-Roads activities in June


C-Roads showed face at two important events in June in order to discuss and push C-ITS harmonisation in Europe. ... [more]

C-Roads at the ITS World Congress in Copenhagen


The C-Roads session in Copenhagen will focus on current deployment activities and will show how European countries are... [more]

C-Roads has launched its Virtual Reality demonstration


Harmonisation takes place on various levels throughout the whole service chain of C-ITS. A comprehensive approach as... [more]

C-Roads publishes NEW harmonised C-ITS specifications


On Friday 20th of April, the new release of the harmonised communication profile for Cooperative Intelligent Transport... [more]

Discover the C-Roads test infrastructure and pilots in...


Two reports of the C-Roads Platform are now available for the general public and provide detailed information on each of... [more]

C-Roads and ASECAP sign Memorandum of Understanding


At the 11th ASECAP Road Safety Conference, which took place on 20th of March in Brussels, the efforts of C-Roads for... [more]

US DoT issues letter of support for 5.9 GHz DSRC...


Infrastructure owners and operators throughout the USA are actively deploying infrastructure, and developing... [more]

C-ITS Security Policy - Release 1 published on...


The C-ITS Strategy of the Commission announced that the Commission will work together with all relevant stakeholders in... [more]

C-Roads at the Digital Transport Days in Tallinn


The C-Roads Platform made a strong appearance at the Digital Transport Days in Tallinn from 8 to 10 November 2017.... [more]

Enlargement of the C-Roads Platform to 16 European...


The enlargement of C-Roads has been kicked off, now uniting 16 European States in pushing the deployment of harmonised... [more]

Contribution of C-Roads Platform to the CODECS...


All partners of C-Roads are invited to download the new CODECS Newsletter #5 including a contribution from C-Roads on... [more]

The European project C-ROADS Czech Republic has been...


The European project C-ROADS Czech Republic has been inaugurated. This pilot project will lay the foundation stone for... [more]

ASECAP issues position regarding LTE-V2X in the 5GHz...


Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) are currently deployed by road operators, particularly under the... [more]

C-Roads: News from Routes/Roads


In the latest isues from Routes/Roads, Martin Böhm presented Europe's C-Roads Platform:

Paving the Ground to Make...


C-Roads at the Connecting EU Conference


At the Connecting Europe Conference in Tallin, Martin Böhm, Austrian General Secretary of C-Roads, presented the... [more]

C-Roads publishes harmonised C-ITS specifications


On 14th of September, the first release of the harmonised communication profile for Cooperative Intelligent Transport...


C-Roads Platform position paper on 5.9 GHz band


The C-Roads Platform Member States are publishing a position paper on the usage of the 5.9 GHz frequency band based on... [more]

C-Roads tests C-ITS in Frankfurt


On the 6th of July, AustriaTech visited „Verkehrszentrale Hessen“, the C-ITS test center of Hessen Mobil in Frankfurt.... [more]

C-Roads at the TESTFEST in Dordrecht


C-Roads took an important step toward deployment of C-ITS related services

The first TESTFEST, focusing on ITS G5 services...


C-ITS Cooperation between C2C-CC and C-Roads Platform


The CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium and the C-Roads Platform have just signed a Memorandum of Understanding for... [more]

C-Roads at ITS Europe


C-Roads took a prominent spot at the ITS European Congress 2017 in Strasbourg with two dedicated sessions and the... [more]

C-Roads at 'Connected and Automated Driving'


Martin Böhm, General Secretary of C-Roads, explains how to establish the basis for cooperative, connected and automated... [more]

C-Roads Platform launched: Kick-off-meeting in Brussels


On December, 12th 2016, the C-Roads Platform was officially launched in Brussels. [more]

ETSI Plug-Test


The 5th ETSI-Plugtest was organized in Livorno [more]

Kick-off of the C-Roads Platform


On 4th of October 2016, the C-Roads Platform was kicked-off, bringing together authorities and road operators covering... [more]

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