C-Roads at 'Connected and Automated Driving'
Taking place in Brussels on 3 and 4 April 2017, the first European conference 'Connected and Automated Driving – Together, shaping the future' has been a unique opportunity for all participants to network and to discuss on how to boost the development and deployment of connected and automated driving technologies from a fourfold perspective: transport policy issues; technological challenges; legal and regulatory frame, and digital transformation.
In his position of General Secretary of the C-Roads Platform, Martin Böhm talked about the crucial steps on the way from linking C-ITS pilots to seamless services across Europe. The deployment of C-ITS faces many important open issues such as legal or governing aspects, procurement as well as technical and standardisation issues. With harmonisation being the core asset of the C-Roads Platform, its approach will pursue cooperation on a holistic level in order to cover all dimensions linked with the deployment of C-ITS. It follows a bottom-up approach in which national pilots represent the foundation for a later pan-European C-ITS implementation. Based on a hybrid communication mix, which is a combination of ETSI ITS-G5 and operational cellular networks, each C-Roads Platform partner will deploy common communication profiles. The national pilot initiatives will move on to cross-site testing, which will allow them to grow together and achieve transnational interoperability. In this way C-Roads will ensure European cohesion of C-ITS deployment in the European Union with regards to a long-term roll-out.