New document "Evaluation and Assessment Plan" now available
Within C-Roads, Pilots will evaluate the impacts of Day 1 C-ITS Services and Use Cases implemented during the different Pilot Tests with respect to the following impact ares: user acceptance, safety, traffic efficiency, environment and organisational aspects. The Evaluation and Assessment Plan describes the currently available documentation and assessment dimensions in C-Roads with regard to evaluation, pilots and policy objectives.
The purpose of the Evaluation and Assessment Plan is to create the common basis for evaluation and assessment of the C-Roads Pilots. However, the single aspects of assessment, reflected in the chapters of the report, will be defined and decided by the individual pilot implementation in order to be able to fulfill contract obligations and contribute to the assessment of C-ITS introduction on European roads.
The impact areas mentioned above should be considered as mandatory for each Pilot. This means that Pilot Tests must face, when evaluating, each impact area if possible; otherwise they should explain why this is not investigated (e.g. not applicable, not contract obligation). This allows a common framework for C-Roads analysis.
Get direct access to the Evaluation and Assessment Plan at the Documents section.