C-Roads France

C-Roads France is a C-ITS pilot deployment project with the objective to develop and experiment innovative road C-ITS solutions.
C-Roads France is set up by 13 French beneficiaries covering the whole functional chain of C-ITS systems and services, including most partners of SCOOP@F but also cities, new road operators and academic partners. C-Roads France builds mainly on SCOOP@F project to experiment and assess high-level C-ITS services.
Besides the services developed in SCOOP@F, new end-user services of 2 types will be developed: services in the urban environment and at the urban/interurban interface (such as GLOSA, traffic light optimisation, multimodal information, park and ride information, etc.), and traffic information services increasing comfort on transit stretches (such as smart routing, information on truck parking areas, services on the rest areas, etc). Hence, C-Roads France will provide a consistent solution for the deployment of almost all Day-1 services and of some of the Day-1,5 services as defined by the C-ITS Platform. One of the aims of the project is to reach a seamless continuity of services at the urban/interurban interface.
The pilot activity will provide enhanced and extended test fields including strategic sections of the TEN-T Core Network, key bottlenecks and black spots and interfaces with urban nodes, to reach a critical mass. This process will be performed in relation with two car manufacturers in order to ensure that the deployed infrastructure will as well answer the needs for future roll-out.
Not waiting for that roll-out, C-Roads has a pragmatic and user-centric approach: to increase penetration rates, has developed a C-ITS smartphone application supporting early I2V services roll up and further scale up.
The services are supported by a hybrid technology enabling a seamless switch between ITS G5 and cellular, for not safety-critical applications.
C-Roads France is willing to push for the early adoption of flexible, interoperable and scalable C-ITS solutions thus anticipating the commercialisation of equipped vehicles. Its involvement within the C-Roads platform is meant to foster harmonisation of C-ITS at European level namely on strategic topics such as security.
Location Description
C-Roads France includes four pilot sites: North-East, Center-East, West and South-West.
C-Roads France is coordinated by the French Ministry of Transport. The project involves 13 beneficiaries covering the whole C-ITS value chain, thus supporting cross-cutting collaborations
Implementing Bodies
Road operators:
- Ministry: public road operators (DIRs Est, Centre-Est, Atlantique, Ouest)
- ASFA: concessionaries road operators (APRR, SANEF and VINCI Autoroutes)
Major urban nodes:
- Strasbourg Eurométropole
- Bordeaux Métropole
Car manufacturers:
- Renault
- PSA Group
Universities and higher education and research institutions:
- Université d’Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand
- Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennes
- Université Gustave Eiffel
- Institut Mines Télécom (Telecom Paris)
- CEREMA (Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement)
Security experts:
- IDNomic
Mobility labs:
- Transpolis
The project’s schedule follows the usual path: use case definition, specification, development, validation, deployment. The project will end with impact studies and assessments that will fuel C-Roads Platform conclusions by mid-2021. Hardware and software were progressively deployed. Pilot sites were ready for driving by the end of 2019. Deployments will be extended until end 2020.