C-Roads 2 Italy

The deployment of C-ITS services in urban areas across Europe will require the involvement and support of a wide range of public and private actors all of which have unique roles and responsibilities.
The main goal of the C-Roads Italy 2 action is to study and pilot, principally in real urban traffic conditions (Torino, Verona and Trento Municipality are involved), a set of “Day1” and “Day1,5” C-ITS services as recommended by the EC C-ITS Platform as for example:
- Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) [C-ITS Day 1 service]
- Traffic signal priority request by designated vehicles [C-ITS Day 1 service]
- Signal violation/Intersection safety [C-ITS Day 1 service]
- On street parking management & information - [C-ITS Day 1.5 service]
- Traffic Information and Smart Routing -[C-ITS Day 1.5 service]
That implies the infrastructure upgrade and the integration of V2I C-ITS service and V2V information also with vehicle control strategies. Vehicle connectivity can extend vehicle’s awareness of the traffic scenario for increased safety and traffic efficiency. The communication design and architecture to connect V2I will be based on hybrid solution (ITSG5 and cellular long range communication). The Italian implementing bodies will invest in their infrastructure and the industry will use that infrastructure to test components and services.
The C-ITS services are envisaged in the three urban pilots sites of Trento, Verona and Torino as well as along the motorway Brescia - Padua. Therefore, the project requires adaptation of the local roadside infrastructures as well as data flow and data management with Traffic Centres located in the cities. Each location will study and design its own local architecture, depending on the existing systems and on the specific requirements, which will be investigated and analysed in the project. This will then be used to achieve a final architecture that complies with an overall CRoads view, whilst fitting the local pilot studies and allowing easy scale-up (intersection, vehicle, other users, etc.) and avoiding undesired extra-cast far growing up with services.
A detailed study will focus on the link between the Traffic Center of Verona city and that of the BS-PD motorway, in order to activate and test C-ITS services. Data exchange between urban and interconnected motorway situations will be tested (e.g. early congestion warning, hazard conditions, weather conditions).
Location Description
The Action pilot will involve the Municipality of Turin (located along the CEF Mediterranean Corridor), Verona, Trento (located along the Scandinavian-Mediterranean CEF Corridor) and a stretch of the motorway A4 Brescia-Verona-Vicenza-Padova (crossing two important CEF Corridor: Mediterranean and Scandinavian-Mediterranean).
The Beneficiary and the Coordinator (Member State) is the Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti.
Implementing Bodies
Please see this image for an illustrated display of the implementing bodies and their clustering.
- Autostrada Brescia-Verona-Vicenza-Padova S.p.A.
- Centro Ricerche FIAT S.C.p.A.
- Comune di Torino
- Comune di Trento
- Comune di Verona
- MOVALIA S.r.l.
- North Italy Communications S.r.l.
- Politecnico di Milano - Dipartimento di Design
- Telecom Italia S.p.A
- TTS Italia
The C-Roads Italy 2 Pilot started by 24/10/2018 and will end by 31/12/2023. Here after are reported the short list of the main scheduled milestones
- by 30/09/2019: 70 traffic light upgrades, software for interfacing to central facilities by TLRM (traffic light remote management) in operation – DONE
- by 25/10/2019: Use cases definition for DAY 1 C-ITS services as specified by the 3 cities - DONE
- by 27/11/2019: Definition of the Target Architecture for integration of Day 1.5 Applications – DONE
- by 28/02/2020: Completion of Detailed Technical Architecture design for components and connectivity of infrastructures for DAY 1 C-ITS services in the 3 cities - DONE
- by 31/03/2020: In-vehicle use cases defined - DONE
- by 31/12/2020: Completion of Design phase for Traffic signal priority request by designated vehicles (DAY 1 C-ITS in Verona test site) – ON GOING
- by 31/12/2020: Vehicles equipped and operational
- by 31/12/2021: Final version of data service software after DAY 1 C-ITS pilot tests
- by 31/12/2021: First Round Pilot tests executed
- by 30/06/2022: Completion of Design phase for On street parking management & information (DAY 1.5 C-ITS in Verona test site)
- by 31/12/2022: In-vehicle use cases validated
- by 31/12/2022: Final C-ITS system field tests report in Turin
- by 30/06/2023: Completion deployment and start operation for above DAY 1 C-ITS in Trento test site
- by 30/06/2023: Completion deployment and start operation for Traffic signal priority request by designated vehicles (DAY 1 C-ITS in Verona test site)
- by 30/11/2023: Ex – post evaluation Report by 30/11/2023: C-Roads Italy 2 ex-post socio-economic evaluation report
Key Performance Indicators
In C-Roads Italy 2, a number of C-ITS “Day 1” and “Day 1.5” service will be tested, which are expected to have positive impacts on transport, the environment and the economy. The expected positive impacts will be on:
- transport
- environment
- economy
Quantitative assessment impacts of C-Roads Italy 2 services will be made on impact of the above areas based on improved individual mobility and congestion reduction criteria (transport), on emissions reductions and energy efficiency criteria (environment) and turnover/revenue increases of business organisations (economy).